Monday, July 02, 2007

My Baby is Gone!!!

My sweet middle child is in New Zealand--having the time of his life (I hope). I didn't anticipate how much I would miss him, or how hard it would be not to be able to contact him. When the little one was off at camp, I wrote him every day--got a couple of letters from him as well. I couldn't talk with him, but let's face it: if I needed too I could call or even go get him--it was only 4 hours away.

New Zealand is another story all together. So far they have Zorbed, Spelunked in one of the largest caves in the world (they rappelled FIVE MINUTES to get down into it), dug holes at a geothermic beach and basked in the resulting natural hot tub, had dinner with a Maori tribe, and skiied and snowboarded. This is only 5 days into their trip. He did call once, to let me know he was there, and having an awesome time.

I am so grateful that he has this opportunity. It has been a hard year for him. Not only did his parents divorce and he changed schools, one of his best friends died. I figure he deserves a great summer trip. He is an amazing kid, and I am eternally proud and grateful to be his mom.

So, as his counsellor said at the airport: "NO WORRIES MATE!"


Anonymous said...

Can I be your kid?

meno said...

Wow, that sounds like no camp i ever went to. Sounds like an incredible experience.

Chai said...

I am just now, thinking about kiddo going away to camp in the future. Reading your blog helps me get used to it.

Liv said...

and to think I'd be saying to camp counselor: Easier said than done, mate!

my conner...

ellie bee said...

deb: I often wonder how I got to be lucky enough to be my kids' mom...they are great people

meno: if camps like this existed when I was young I didn't know about them (Just as well--I could never have gone)

chai: welcome! good for you thinking ahead! I think camp is one of the best things I have ever done for my daughter, however, would never go...she hated girl scout camp so much I could never get her to go to another--so choose carefully!

liv: what can I say? I love you!

thailandchani said...

This sounds like a wonderful trip for him. :) New Zealand! Wowza!



Susanne said...

Wow. What an oppotunity. And he'll be back.