Sunday, February 18, 2007

Went to Massey lane today. For the uninitiated, it is the camellia headquarters of the world. My dear ones, the "Flying J's" persuaded me to leave my cleaning/packing and go for a picnic with them. It was lovely, albeit freezing. The mimosas (drinks, not trees, its too early for the trees) were divine, and we walked along viewing the thousands of blossoms and the blue, blue sky, thanking God that we live in Georgia in February.

Then home, to clean, but I just didn't have the energy. Feeling overwhelmed again, but I have made tremendous progress. Today I actually threw away MAGAZINES (from 1991, which means I actually moved them here from Virginia). For those of you who know me you know what a BIG DEAL this is. Books and magazines: I will die someday suffocated by the sheer volume of books and magazines I have accumulated. But not today; today I even tossed 24 issues of "Cooking Light", which is the nouveau Southern Living. I know, I should take them somewhere to be "recycled" but the hospital won't take magazines over 6 months old and giving cooking magazines to the homeless shelter seems a bit twisted.

I did have to keep a few treasures, however. The magazine and newspaper articles about Princess Di, and Mother Teresa after their that's literature worth keeping and re-reading. Unlike that poor Anna Nicole chick, these women left a hole in the world when they died, and the events of their lives are worthy of remembering. I loved the headline when Mother Teresa died: "a journey of love comes to an end..."

I love magazines, but I decided that I should give up my magazine buying at the check out stand, so as not to feel too guilty about my Starbucks habit. Magazines rock. I never have time for books except in the summer, and not in the past two summers at that. And truthfully, I seldom have the interest. Books are too much of a commitment..when I get into one I like it consumes me and I don't want to put it down. Magazines? Browse, nap, look at pictures, whatever. Totally shallow and superficial. I just hope that is not to become a metaphor for my relationships--should I ever have another!!!


Liv said...

Go girl! I'm so proud of you! And if you want to recycle the mags, bring them to me. The city still takes them on Wed. with the rest of the recyclable paper!

Peach Pod said...

Don't you love purging (not in the gross sense)? I love getting stuff out of my house that I'm not using. I'm really trying to clear stuff out. I find the older I get, the more I hate visual clutter. For me, visual clutter = mental clutter.

Susanne said...

Yeah, keep on going with the de-cluttering! And the fun.

You actually have blossoming, um, flowers in February? Wow. Here it's still freezing.

Anonymous said...


I have come to the conclusion that I've got to throw some stuff out instead of trying to find homes for everything that might be useful to someone. It just takes too much of my time and energy, and the stuff sits in the garage waiting...draining me even more.

I'm glad you had the chance to enjoy a lovely Sunday morning. I had mimosas, too, at a baby shower.

Imez said...

I still think it's kinda weird that Mother Teresa is in the same category as Princess Di. I mean, all Mother Teresa did was hang around dirty people. Princess Di, she was pretty. And rich!

EHT said...

We have much in common. I need to purge, and purge, and purge my home and my classroom. I'm a packrat.

BUT...throw away a Southern Living? That's like throwing away a Bible. :)