No, not lingerie, perfume, or a convertable.
Not a $50.00 Starbucks card, diamond earrings, or botox.
Not even lobster, champagne, or chocolate
Are you ready for this?

litter maid plus self cleaning litter box
I have wanted this baby since last fall, when one of my friends at work was bragging about hers. But $90.00 for a litter box? I just couldn't. Until today.
Must have been the chakra workshop: yeah, liv gets her chakras spinning and she has guys from all over the country hitting on her. Me? I get an automatic shit scooper.
But, I am so proud of it--you would not believe how groovy this thing is! The cat uses it, and after a respectful 10 minutes a little rake comes out, rakes up the clump, and deposits it into the sealed, odor containing box--complete with carbon filter. Its amazing.
So, I set this thing up and I am dying to see it in action, because you all know I have nothing else I have to do, and sure enough, Taran jumps in immediately, ready to try it out. He does the business, dutifully covers it, and then: LAYS DOWN IN THE BOX! He licks himself, and purrs, and rolls, and carries on like he's in some sort of mattress commercial! He won't leave. So, of course, the box can't do the rake thing, which I am dying to see. I finally persuade him to get out with kitty treats, and resume my very important job of watching for the pooper scooper to work. Wonder of wonders--it does!!!! Amazing. And counting the trip to Walmart only an hour and half wasted. Isn't technology grand? I just hope GiGi will like it as well--she is a bit harder to please when it comes to a location to do her business.
Overall not a bad day. Hope you all had half as much fun as I did! And for the first time in a long time my house just LOOKS like shit and doesn't actually SMELL like it too!
OMG, I have one of these and acted the same way you did when I first got it!! I would run to the laundry room where it was just to watch it do its job. I love this thing.
Haha well thank God for automatic pooper scoopers! I'm glad you bought something for yourself...well wait it wasn't really for you but still everyone should indulge a little every now and ya :)
ha!! what a great day?!? you'll have to hear about chakra madness later. so private that I don't even think I can blog about it AND then I went out with the young kids to the Hummingbird. Quelle experience!
As I troll my yard with a large bag cleaning up after my dog, I will think about this pooper scooper thing. It could just be the most postive thing about cat ownership I've heard.
That is an excellent investment!
I cannot believe Dad took the quarters. I cannot even tell you the way he has been behaving this would make you puke, for sure. I have had to sit in has lap like, 3 times and he keeps hugging me and kissing my head. He told me it was "bed time last night". So I laughed at him.
And Uncle Dave Is possibly the worst person in the world. I cannot wait to be home, with a normal person.
I love you!!
Great post!!
you are a little old for that. he is acting like a perv. stay out of his lap.
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