Wednesday, June 20, 2007

this is amazing...

some days I feel like this...running from one costume to the next...
today was kind of like that:
early morning: mom
a little later: lady at tire store
a little later: teacher/doctor
a little later: mom at grocery store
a little later: friend and confidante at lunch
a little later: friend and co-worker shopping for birthday flowers
a little later: doctor
a little later: doctor/teacher
a little later: yoga instructor
a little later: mom at home
a little later: tutor
a little later: blogger
a little later: tired mom


thailandchani said...

Too much for me, I admit!

is it possible to simply not recognize all these roles? I'm beginning to think I am deficient.. or just plain oblivious. LOL



lu said...

oh yea, It's hard to find a hat rack big enough.

Susanne said...

The video really is amazing.

And I feel like changing roles a dozen times a day too. Where was Ellie, just being herself? Is that tired mom?

ellie bee said...

Oh, Chani, you are NOT deficient...we all have tons of roles and we hopefully integrate them into one seamless person everyday!

Lu, the trick is to get everyone to just accept that all those hats!

Susanne, I am so glad you thought that video was cool--I love "magic" and I thought those folks were astonishing. You know, I hope all of those folks are the real me--I decided some time ago that I have to be the real me every minute I can or I will waste the majority of my life being someone else!

EHT said...

This post really made me think about all the different hats I wear in one day.....too many if you ask me.