Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Moving Day is Friday.

My house looks like a bomb went off in it. I am exhausted, and excited beyond words. This move feels like such an opportunity for new beginnings. I am so looking forward to being there!

The kids are excited. Today is the last day of school. We are through with space camp, finals, papers, projects, 5th grade graduation, field trips, class picnics, final chorus productions...another year checked off.

I have enough to do in the next 5 days for 16 people. But, it will get done. One way or another it always does.

My next notes will be from my new home. I can't wait.


Liv said...

woo-hoo! just remember to call me so we can squeeze in a coffee break in all of this. (i know that sounds comical, but i am dead serious. who jokes about coffee? really?)

LittlePea said...

Yay! That's great! How exciting!

lu said...

The end of the year is so stressful and fun...for the kids. I hope you have some help with the move. Once again, you are moving mountains. You need to write a book and give up trade secrets.

thailandchani said...

I'll look forward to hearing from you in your new home. So many new adventures for you. Well, along with the other stuff.. Um. :)



Susanne said...

I hope the moving went well. (And that you went and had a coffee break with liv...)

amusing said...

I'm so excited! Can't wait! Good luck and I'll be thinking of you and sending splendid vibes.