Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Home inspector is here snooping about, putting little orange sticky dots (I call them hot dots) on things that are "not right". I am a nervous wreck. It is one thing to know that you live in a 25 year old house that obviously isn't perfect. It is another thing entirely to pay someone to go over said house with a fine tooth comb and point out all of its imperfections.

I keep reminding myself, "Its a house. Do not take any of this personally." Still, it feels threatening somehow--as if this nice little bespeckled man held the key to my future on his little clipboard, and was determined to keep it from me.

I wish I were a drinking woman.

For now I am going to make use of this day I took off of work to continue cleaning. The third floor (used as an attic for years) is approaching presentable. My precious sons have cleaned out their closets and their rooms as best they can. My daughter is trying, but she is as busy as I am and a thousand times more ADD, not to mention the world's biggest procrastinator, so there is still much to be done.

My realtor dropped by to check my progress. She is so ready to list this house. Evidently, she has been getting calls and inquiries about it already (small town, gotta love it!) I am feeling exposed and raw, and a bit like I may drown. I wouldn't be surprised to look in the mirror and see one of those damn orange hot dots on my forehead.


Anonymous said...

the last line? Perfect!

Soon it will be behind you.

Lattes count (as drinking, that is).

Peach Pod said...

Wouldn't it be cool to carry a pack of those orange dots around with you and put them on things that are 'not right'?! I can see it now:

- Put an orange dot on your burger when they forget to hold the onions. See if waitress notices.

- Put an orange dot on a report on work if it has typos.

- Cover ex husband with orange dots!

DC said...

wow - you are having such a day.....my whole house, car - body - all would be orange dotted...yuck...I couldn't stand to have inspectors inspecting....I will have a glass of wine for you.

ellie bee said...

SB--yes, the lattes do count! Thank God liv brought me one!

Peaches--so glad you are back. I think a fanny pack of hot dots is on my wish list for sure.

Dawn Susan--I just love you!

thailandchani said...

The idea about the orange dots is certainly a good one. I can imagine how you are feeling with all this intrusion into your life. Soon it will be over.



lu said...

I may have nightmares...This is why I won't sell my 90 year old house- He might as well just bring one giant orange dot to drape over the house. But look how cool you are, you just keep on keeping on.

You and your tool box.

Very cool.

meno said...

I want to say that soon it will be over, but what i feel compelled to say is: eventually it will be over.


Liv said...

oh, it's going much better than orange dots! you ARE doing it, and beautifully----just as you do in all of your endeavors!

now, if you get the house we've talked about, i'll probably need to park my car there a few nights a week. don't worry, no one steals minivans.

love you.

LittlePea said...

My house could use a few hot dots....

amusing said...

So, this will be interesting. I have never quite fathomed how one shifts from one how to another -- the timing of sales and mortgages and moves etc. (Yeah, we moved all my life, but we rarely owned or sold.)

Hey, Lu -- if he comes and puts one huge orange dot on your house, then his name is probably Christo and your house would instantly appreciate in value!

Imez said...

If only you'd been a better person....so many dots. Tsk tsk.

Peach Pod said...

Just checking in . . . You've been very quiet and I miss you!